Sunday, 27 December 2015


Collective Noun Adalah Kata benda yang mempunyai arti majemuk ( banyak ).

kesatuan kapal-kapal perang
gerombolan, kumpulan
sekumpulan murid                  
kelompok ternak
sekumpulan tentara                  
sekumpulan kapal perang         
kelompok orang
kumpulan, kawanan
perwakilan rakyat

a bar of chocolate                            
sebatang cokelat
a band of musicians         
sekelompok pemusik
a basket of fruits              
sekeranjang buah-buahan              
a blob of clay                    
segumpal tanah liat
a bottle of wine                 
sebotol anggur                    
a bouquet of flower         
serangkai bunga
a bowl of soup                   
semangkok sup                  
a box of eggs                     
sekotak telur
a bunch of keys                 
seikat kunci                        
a bundle of sticks                               
sebundel lidi
a can of milk                     
sekaleng susu                     
a chunk of clay                 
segumpal tanah liat
a chunk of wood               
sepotong kayu                   
a cluster of bananas         
setandan pisang
a cluster of stars               
segugus bintang                 
a clutch of eggs                 
sesarang telur
a collection of stamps     
sekumpulan perangko      
a covey of birds                
sekawanan burung
a crowd of people                             
sekerumunan orang          
a cup of tea                        
secangkir teh
a dab of ice cream                           
secolek es krim                   
a daub of pencil                
sepulas pensil
a dozen of glasses                             
satu dosen gelas                 
a fleet of bikes                   
sederet sepeda
a flight of seagulls                           
serombongan burung camar           
a flock of pigs                    
segerombolan babi
a glass of coffee                
segelas kopi                        
a grain of maize               
sebutir jagung
a group of islands                            
sekelompok pulau                             
a gulp of wine                     
seteguk anggur
a handful of rice               
segenggam beras               
a hank of yarn                  
segulung benang
a heap of rubbish                             
setumpukan sampah        
a herd of cattle                  
sekawanan ternak
a horde of ants                  
sekumpulan semut            
a host of boys                    
sekelompok anak
a hunk of bread                
sebongkah roti                   
a litre of water                   
seliter air
a lump of coal                   
sebongkah batu bara        
a nest of birds                    
sesarang burung
a pack of cards                 
satu pak kartu
a package of cigarettes   
sebungkus rokok
a pair of glasses                
sepasang kaca mata         
a pair of shoes                   
sepasang sepatu
a pair of trousers                             
sebuah celana                    
a piece of cheese               
sepotong keju
a pile of clothes                 
setumpuk pakaian                            
a pile of stone                    
setumpuk batu
a pinch of sugar                
sejimpit gula                       
a plate of rice                    
sepiring nasi
a sack of cement               
sekarung semen                 
a set of pencils                   
satu set pensil
a set of tools                       
satu set peralatan                              
a sheet of paper                
selembar kertas
a shoal of fish                    
sekawanan ikan                
a slab of bread                  
seiris roti
a slice of bread                 
seiris roti                              
a sliver of cake                 
sekerat kue
a spoon of sugar               
sesendok gula                     
a spray of flowers                            
setangkai bunga
a stack of rubbish                             
seonggok sampah                             
a stem of banana                              
setandan pisang
a stem of flower                
setangkai bunga                
a string of pearls                              
sekalung mutiara
a strip of cloth/meat        
secarik/kain/sepotong daging
a suit of clothes                 
satu setel pakaian
a suite of furniture           
satu set perabotan                             
a sup of milk                      
seteguk susu
a swarm of bees                
segerombolan lebah          
a swig of brandy               
seteguk brendi
a teaspoon of salt                             
secendok the garam          
a tin of soft drink             
sekaleng minuman ringan
a ton of corn                      
satu ton jagung                  
a tribe of native                
sekelompok pribumi
a troop of ants                   
sepasukan semut               
a truck of sand                  
satu truk pasir
a wad of bills                     
seberkas uang kertas        
a wad of cotton                 
segumpal kapas
a wedge of cheese                             
seiris keju            
an army of soldier                           

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