Friday 15 January 2016


Kali ini kita akan membahas descriptive text secara singkat namun lengkap. Ada sekitar 14 jenis teks dalam materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang akan penulis bahas, yang pertama adalah Descriptive Text. Karena descriptive text ini merupakan jenis teks yang sering dipelajari oleh para pemula. Karena descriptive text itu simple juga menggunakan struktur bahasa Inggris yang sangat simple. Hanya bermodal Rumus simple present tense – present tense verbal dan nonverbal – kita sudah bisa menyusun descriptive text dengan baik, ditambah pengetahuan sedikit tentang kata sifat, Pronouns dan adverbs. 
Biasanya cirri jenis suatu teks bisa dilihat dari tujuan teks itu di tulis. Disini kita akan membahasa teks descriptive meliputi :

1. Pengertian descriptive text.
2. Tujuan Descriptive Text.
3. Struktur Descriptive text.
4. Language Feature of descriptive text dan
5. Contoh descriptive text.

a. Pengertian Descriptive Text.

Descriptive Text adalah texT yang melukiskan atau menggambarkan tentang orang, bintang, benda atau tempat tertentu. Orang, binatang, benda atau tempat tertentu maksudnya benda atau orangnya dibatasi penyebutannya, bukan penyebutan secara umum. Melukiskan atau menggambarkan biasanya dengan gamabar tapi di dalam teks ini bagaimana kita bisa melukiskan atau menggambarkan sesuatu kepada pembaca menggunakan kata-kata bukan gamabar. Sehingga lebih detail kita menggambarkannya maka akan semakin jelas gambaran itu dalam fikiran pembaca.

Bandingkan nama-nama benda atau orang di bawah ini.

b. Tujuan / purpose Descriptive Text adalah:

To describe particular person, thing, animal or place.
( Untuk melukisakan orang, benda, binatang atau tempat tertentu )

Note . Biasanya descriptive menjawab pertanyaan Apa/siapa dan bagaimana.

c. Struktur text descriptive 

Descriptive text mempunyai susunan sebagai berikut.

- Indentification

Dalam indentifikasi ini kita mengenalkan kepada pembaca tentang obyek yang akan kita descripsikan.

a. Personal Identification ( Bila obyeknya orang  )
    Bila obyeknya orang sebutkan nama, pekerjaan, profesi dan karirnya.

b. Animal identification ( bila obyeknya binatang )
    Bila obyeknya binatang berikan ia nama, asal negaranya, dan dari mana kita mendapatkannya.

c. Thing identification ( bila obyeknya benda mati )
    Bila obyeknya benda mati sebutkan namanya, asalanya.

d. Place identification ( bila obyeknya tempat )
    Bila obyeknya tempat sebutkan namanya dan lokasinya.

- Description

Dalam bagian ini kita harus menyebutkan bagian-bagian, cirri-ciri dan keunikan obyeknya.

a. Personal Identification ( Bila obyeknya orang  )
    Bila obyeknya orang sebutkan cirri-ciri fisiknya, cara ia berpakaian, kepribadiannya  dan sifat lainnya.
b. Animal identification ( bila obyeknya binatang )
    Bila obyeknya binatang Sebutkan bagian-baginnya - dijelaskan juga bagian perbagian – warnanya, tingkah lakunya dan kenapa kita menyukainya.
c. Thing identification ( bila obyeknya benda mati )
    Bila obyeknya benda mati sebutkan bagian-bagaiannya dan fungsi bagian-bagian itu, warnanya, dan keunggulannya.
d. Place identification ( bila obyeknya tempat )
    Bila obyeknya tempat sebutkan bagian-bagaiannya, keunikanya dan gambaran lokasinya.

d. Language Features ( Ciri-ciri kebahasaannya)

Descriptive text biasanya menggunkan :

a.Simple present tense.

It lives in the water.
She likes to wear T-shirt.
It acts so funny.

b.Relating / linking verbs.
Is, am, are, look, seem, appear, smell, feel, remain.
c. Adjective / compound adjectives.
Smart, long black hair, chubby cheeks, attractive and friendly girl.

She, he, it, they, her, them.

Very, so, slowly, fast, neatly, well, quickly.


a.Person Description

My Friend Shanty

I have a very kind friendly friend. her name is Shanty. Shanty is my classmate. She sits at the same table with me. we are close friend. So I know a lot about her. She is from Semarang. Now she is 17 years old. She is the first daughter of Mr. Fajar and Mrs. Lina. She is a studious and smart student. She often participates in many student's competitions carried by senior high schools. And she frequently becomes the champion.
Shanty has delicate white skin. She is also has long wavy jet-black hair. She is tall and fairly slim. Her nose is pointed and she has beautiful sharp eyes as well . Her face is oval and she always dazzles everyone, since if she smiles she has two beautiful unique dimples on her both chubby cheeks. She always catches everyone attention.
Shanty is a very well dressed girl. She often wears the latest fashion. She has many kinds of fashionable clothes. But her favorite is a black leather jacket and a casual T-Shirt. Especially dark colored T- shirt. She is very relaxed and enjoy her daily activities.
Shanty is very vigorous in doing all her daily activities. She always looks friendly and cheerful every time. She is also kind to everyone, she also likes to help her friends to solve lesson problems. She gets on well easily with her surroundings. She often has bright ideas at school. She is very patient although some friends  sometimes mock her, she never gets angry.
She also likes to sing a song. Her favorite song is " diamond" that ever sung by Fatin Sidqia Lubis in Indonesian X-Factor competition. She also has another hobby. In fact, she likes cooking activity. And she likes to taste various kinds of traditional cuisine.

b.Animal Description

My Lovely Cat

Talking about pets, I like cats very much, because they are not wild, they are tame animals. And they can entertain us when we are having bad moods. I have a great cat. 
I name him Tom. I do this because he is a male cat. He is a Russian cat. He is about 2 years old. My cat is wonderful, has soft thick grayish fur. He has two cone shaped ears. His head is slightly rounded because his body is quite fat but not obese. His two yellow eyes look very sharp, in particularly at night when his eyes meet the light. They look so sharp and luminous. He looks very strong and muscular. He has strong body. His four feet also look very strong and sturdy. He can run so fast. and can jump high frequently.
Well, my Tom is a smart and funny pet. He often expels mice or rats from home. But he never eats them. because I have trained him not to eat mice, I give him special cat food. My Tom sometimes makes me laugh. he is very funny when he is playing with a round ball. He rolls and claws the ball very eagerly. He is also able to catch something I throw to him perfectly with his mouth or his two front feet.
I get this smart and funny cat from my uncle. I love him so much because he can accompany me when I am in sadness or loneliness and he always entertains me with his funny behaviors.

c. Thing Description

My Dictionary.

I have some English dictionaries. Some of them are thin some of the are thick but small and only two are wide and thick. The two thick ones are English -Indonesian Dictionary and Indonesian-English dictionary. I love both of them. because both are important to me and they are complementary.
I usually bring one or two of my dictionary to school, everytime I have an English class. Because the teacher often give us assignments and we must open our dictionary to find out the new vocabularies that we haven't noticed them yet. I use my dictionary in several occasions such :
- When I have to do my English Homework.
- When I find new vocabularies in translating texts.
- When I curious with the meaning of some English words.
- When I want to make a note.
- When I want to train myself to compose.
- When I wonder about idiom words and so on.
There are so many list of words in my dictionary. They are listed based on the alphabet. Started from A to the Z. This wide thick dictionary has a complete reference about English words and phrases. We can also find thousands examples of word and phrase usages with correct and recommended grammar and structure in this dictionary.  My dictionary help me very much in learning English.

d.Place Description


Lhoknga is one of the popular beaches in Aceh. It’s quite far from Banda Aceh. It is a beautiful and popular beach in Aceh and some other region in Sumatera. It famouse for its waves, sand and the view. The waves of this beach is very suitble for the surfers to play their surfboards. We often see some domestic or even foreign tourists surf here at afternoon. We can see beautiful hills with beautiful green plants on the southward of this beach.
When the day is sunny, the view will look very beautiful, and we will see many people at the beach, most of them are parents and their children, they like to build sand, play balls, and swim there.
Before tsunami, Lhoknga was more beautiful than today. There is a cement factory around the beach . In the afternoon, we will see many ships in the middle of the beach, there are also various culinaries found here. The visitors can taste bake corn, drink young coconut water and still many other cakes and various soft drinks sold here. Everybody who visits here will feel happy, relaxed and interested.

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